Saturday, July 28, 2012

Not the Post I Planned

Today, Mxyl, Zorg, and the Emperor returned from Scout camp, brimming with all the fun things they've done the past week. 

This morning, I planned to blog about "Girls' Week," all the fun stuff we did  while they were gone... And I will blog about all that fun stuff.

But you never know what you're going to get in your in box.

This morning it was the news that the 5 year old sister of my godson had a stroke yesterday (while having her adenoids out) and she's in a coma. Please pray for this sweet little girl!  Her name is Veronica.

This afternoon it was the news that my cousin Ed (the one who runs the rocket launches) had a stroke on the same day.  He turned 65 last Wednesday.  He's the one in the hat, fixing Klenda's rocket.

We were able to visit him a bit in the CCU.  He was awake, but couldn't move his right side.  His wife is having a hard time.  Please pray for them too.

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