Thursday, August 2, 2012

Girls' Week Round 3

We really did have a marvelous time.  We watched Persuasion and Anne of Green Gables and the sequel to Anne of Green Gables.  All chick flicks all the time!

We baked quite a bit.

We rediscovered the potholder looms. 

These looms (we have two) have remained derelict and unloved in the depths of the homeschool room for years untold. No one ever showed the slightest interest.

They are now both in daily use. 

This is a problem for me because I need to declutter the homeschool room.  It is full of stuff that might catch some kid's interest some day and then they'd do something wonderful. 

I had finally convinced myself that I  needed to let go of the stuff that no one had shown an interest in...

What's your definition of something wonderful?

To me it looks something like this...

Did I mention my grandmother is a master weaver?  (Did I mention she reads my blog?  Hi, Grammy Ann!)

Klenda did these with no instruction, just playing around with different warps and wefts.

 You know what this means, right?

I can never get rid of anything.

1 comment:

  1. So true. I am about to embark on a great cleaning and I know this is exactly what is going to happen.
