Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Guest Blog by Mxyl: Goshen, Round III

Around half-way into camp, The Grand Emperor came--and he brought a camera!  We finished up the badges and awards, performed an excellent flag ceremony, and then...


Our Troop, known for awkwardness and pranks, remodified our ordinary table into something out of a fancy restaurant!

I volunteered as one of the fancy waiters!

Which meant pouring fancy champagne to the staff, our fancy guests!

All and all, a fun night, need I say more?  The answer would be yes, but I've run out of pictures of significant note.

Hmm... for swimming I  blew up my pants...

Ah yes!  I forgot that we now have our own sign hung up on the hall's walls!  Nothing uncommon, though still neat for revisiting.

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