Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Kazoo Madness

Klenda and Zorg each have a kazoo.  They each play their kazoo very, very well.  They have figured out how to play all the music from Super Mario Brothers as well as Mozart's variations on Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star.  They play in tune, they even play in harmony.

They only problem is...they still sound like kazoos.

They are driving me nuts.

This may all count as unattended consequences since I have been busy painting the kitchen, a Sisyphean, Herculean, really big job that involves taking apart everything in the most used room in the house, detailed cleaning and organizing, and piecing back bits of it around meal times so we can, you know, eat. The Sisyphean part is the continual accumulation of dishes as I paint.

I can see why I haven't done it for nine years.

The Zoomlians have been helping quite a bit, but the rest of the time they are off working on their own projects.  Unfortunately, one of the projects is becoming professional kazoo players.

Zorg (as I enter the room after hearing them play an assortment of Star Wars music): Hey, Mom, what's your favorite song?

Fortunately, my mind went completely blank at the prospect of my favorite song being rendered by dueling kazoos.  Seriously, I could not think of a single song.  At all.


  1. Yeah! You are painting the kitchen (did you get that (late) comment I posted on your kitchen question?) As to the dishes piling up I hope you have at least resorted to paper plates/paper cups/plastic silverware during the project and only have to deal with the pots and pans! Post a picture when you finish :)

  2. I totally missed that comment!

    Thanks! Yes, we are replacing the door at long last. What you couldn't see was that the wood on the outside had started to peel.

    We got a new door with a window that we are waiting to have installed.

    Pictures soon!
