Thursday, September 27, 2012


We're having a nasty sore throat/ bad cold go through the house.  It cancelled a planned visit to my folks last Friday, and today I cancelled Chemistry at the last minute.

I had spent a big chunk of the day telling myself I was just "really tired," but not too tired to teach stoichiometry.  Eventually I realized  that "really tired" plus "weak and dizzy" was a bad combination in a chem lab where you're setting things on fire.

Klenda, the only Zoomlian not affected by the cold, got an unrelated ear infection so severe that it broke her ear drum.

The doctor mentioned this casually during our second panicky visit due to extreme pain.

Doctor:  Mmmmmmm.  Looks like her ear drum burst.

Me: (stunned horrified silence while I process that Klenda will be deaf in one ear)

Doctor (still looking in Klenda's ear): Yep, it burst... So, don't let her swim for 6 weeks.

Me: Six weeks???

Doctor, Wellll, it might not take that long.  But, she can just wear an ear plug when she swims.

Me: You mean ear drums heal?

Maybe my problem is just stress.

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