Tuesday, September 25, 2012


 Mxyl and Zorg went to the 150th anniversary reenactment of the Battle of Antietam last weekend with their scout troop!

Here they are in front of a replica of an early hot air balloon.
Lots of horses, lots of cannons!

Mxyl: "One of the things they did was shoot mortar cannons!
The weather was quite nice, but also hot--I imagined a sound being rain drops when it was actually electricity crackling in wires overhead (good thing it didn't rain then).  I had problems with my foot that day, so I tried to stay off it.  Unfortunately, that was right before our scoutmaster decided to have our Troop pick up and carry (on our shoulders) several tables filled with bags of candles and sand.  Our Scoutmaster did some of the work too.

"However, each table was meant to resemble a dead soldier.  I felt really great in doing it, since it was a service project I--we--had only one shot at doing; and we did it.  I realized that there won't be another 150th anniversary; and (unless I stay in reaaally good shape) I won't be able to do it again when I'm 65.  Zorg, my Troop & I did our best  for the memory of Antietam and we're proud of it."

INTERMISSION:  The official Battle of Antietam 150th Anniversary website: www.150thantietamreenactment.com.  Yes, there's just something about a website you find and see something you did; somewhere you were...

that doesn't happen to be part of a blog you wrote.

Zorg: "The cannons were loud.  I got Clara Barton's autograph!  Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious; that was fun!

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