Saturday, October 20, 2012

Almost Fall at the Arboretum

 We took a trip to the Arboetum with friends last week.

I had been hoping to catch some turning leaves, but the leaves are only just starting to color up.

We did see a few of Gray's Treefrogs.

These top two photos were from Leena!

And we saw this wonderfully large praying mantis. Can you spot him?

Really, the Arboretum is beautiful any time of year!

We were pretty inspired, so we went out and got some bulbs and mums.

These are Choclo and Oob's gardens, but all the Zoomlians picked out plants.  I planted the mums, but I think they are probably too late to establish roots before winter.

 When we got home, I found that my "Fall blooming" camellia had started to bloom, so I guess the leaf change isn't too far off!

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