Wednesday, October 31, 2012


 We are climbing our way out of the stomach bug hole - enough to get the pumpkins and costumes done today!

Here are Choclo and Leena's pumpkins.

And Zorg and Oob's.

Oob was in bad shape this morning, but recovered enough to actually go trick-or-treating tonight!  Go, Oob! (but not too far, and you are eating only three pieces of candy tonight...)

 Klenda went with a very nice bat carving, totally free hand!

And Mxyl did an etching of the Tardis in the time vortex. 

Very cool pumpkins this year!

 Here they are lit up.

What seemed unbelievable yesterday: all the Zoomlians are upright and able to trick-or-treat (or dress up and give out candy) this year!  

Costume pics tomorrow...

Happy Halloween!

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