Monday, November 5, 2012


Do you remember in The Princess Bride, in the Pit of Despair: "I've just sucked one week of your life away.  Now tell me, how do you feel?  Be honest."


It's November.  Fifth.  How is that even possible? 

But we are all feeling ok again, and I am very grateful.  I had been stuck in the bemused, "now, what was I doing..." phase over the weekend, alternated with the panicky realization that the holidays are looming, the election is tomorrow, and I have 5 classes left of Chemistry.

What I needed was something amazing to get me going again and this was it:

I don't know that this would hit you the same way if you aren't Catholic and of a certain age (and recovering from a stomach bug), but for me, it was a reminder of everything Papa John Paul told me, the deep spiritual influence he had on me, and the communion of saints.  Just what I needed!

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