Friday, December 7, 2012

Did You Know

That if you add blue food coloring to a batch of hard candy, the carmelizing sugar will turn the candy green?  Not a vivid Christmas green, mind you, more of a pretty sea glass green.

Furthermore, if you carefully cut off the messy bits from the finished candy, they will look quite shockingly like broken glass.

In addition, if you leave them on the counter, two things will happen: the tiny pieces will gradually disappear as the children pass through the kitchen, and, you can give your late arriving spouse apoplexy when he finds the kids eating "broken glass."


  1. Ha! This reminds me of an incident that I still remember (but my parents do not), from when I was 4 or 5. My mother had made me a batch of homemade play dough in a pinkish red that I must have been playing with when my father left. He returned at lunch time to find me eating crackers with port wine cheese spread, and yelled at me for eating what he thought was still the play dough. :)

  2. Too funny!! Makes me want port wine cheese spread now... :)
