Monday, December 3, 2012


Having that extra week to plan and organize was great!  I feel more prepared for Advent than I have since...  The last time I had an extra week between Thanksgiving and Advent!  It was only today that I fully realized that the extra week there means a week less here.  It's actually a short Advent, so maybe I'm not as ahead as I think I am.

 No matter.  I have a theme.  That always makes me feel more organized.   And, this year, I got the kids to paint posters of our theme to hang in the dining room.

The theme is: Christ came in history, Christ comes in mystery, Christ will come in majesty.

Leena painted the "Christ came in history" poster.  It actually says that on the frame, but I think I need to make the lettering more prominent. She has a quirky, eclectic style that is half Byzantine icon, half Manga. 

 I find the more I look at it, the more I like it.  Maybe because it isn't the conventional arrangement, I think more about the actual Nativity, and less about the standard image of the Nativity, if you know what I mean.

 I painted the "Christ comes in mystery" one.  The mystery being Jesus' abiding presence in the Eucharist.

This has been a key focus this year because Choclo is preparing to receive his First Communion, possibly at Christmas.

Klenda and Mxyl collaborated on the "Christ will come in majesty" poster.  Actually, it started out as our Christ the King poster!

They had trouble melding their two styles, so Klenda ended up doing most of the face, with Mxyl designing the crown and details.

Jesus is holding the New Earth in his right hand (for the sheep) and a sword in his left (for the goats).

It's a good reminder that Advent is about waiting for more than just presents!

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