Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Knightly Arts

We're having a weird week.

We had Monday off for MLK Day, and we'll have Friday off for the March for Life, and we're squeezing in our Walters trip.

Throw in three or four doctor visits and we get a complicated three days.

Also, our big Medieval feast is Thursday.

Anyway, I need a quick, fun, relevant art project that was short on time and mess, and here it is:

3-D St. George

(St. George himself was from a much earlier time, but he was super popular in the Middle Ages)

Find some pictures of St George fighting the dragon (like the ones I've helpfully posted here!)

Print them out on photo paper: you want two identical 5 x 7 pictures on each sheet, like this.

Cut out both pictures (we used a paper cutter)

Leave one picture intact, but cut out the main features in the other picture. I leave the definition of "main features" up to the kid.

Tape the cut outs to the original picture using loops of tape so that parts of the picture stand out in 3D.

For extra flair, you can use a toothpick for St. George's lance!

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