Thursday, January 10, 2013

Toe Explosion

The other day, I noticed that Leena's shoe was starting to fall apart.  This was annoying, to say the least, since we had just bought that pair 2 months ago.

A day or so later, I was going to the store, and decided I'd better check first to see how bad the shoe really was.

Both shoes had exploded at the tips and now had toes sticking out of them.

Really?  Really?!?

Yes.  She had accidentally stepped in a puddle of Miracle-gro and her feet had grown 2 full shoe sizes in as many months.  She is now wearing shoes half a size smaller than my shoes.  Why, yes, she is 10 years old.

What can you do?

I'll tell you what everyone else did.  They went off to find the puddle, and I've just replaced four pairs of toe exploded shoes!

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