Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Easy Lent Art

This is a fun project that I adapted from Kids and Glitter, my new favorite source for art ideas.

I used "desert colored" construction paper: yellow, orange, red-orange, red, and brown. 

The idea is to tear the paper into wide strips so that you get an irregular (natural looking) pattern.  Before you start, try tearing some in different directions to figure out the "grain" of your paper.  One direction will give you smooth (and boring) tears.

Once you have strips of whatever colors you want, you can arrange them on another piece of paper, then glue stick them in place.

 We then put a black cross over the "desert" background.

On some of the pictures, I trimmed the edges with a paper cutter to give a neater finished product.

Choclo also wanted a skull at the foot of his cross because he'd seen pictures with r and he drew in the details.

In Christian art, that particular skull is Adam's.  No kidding!  There is a very old legend that Calvary was located on the site of Adam's grave, so that the New Adam (Christ) defeated death literally over the grave of the man who let death into the world.

Klenda is miserably sick today, so Mxyl did this extra one for her.  He put in a blue top strip for sky, a great addition!

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