Saturday, February 16, 2013

Getting Myself Organized for Lent

Whenever I feel really discombobulated, I hear Wallace in my head from A Close Shave: "Get yourself organized down there!".

I woke up sick on Ash Wednesday and was very grateful 1.  that the Emperor could stay home and care for the Zoomlians, 2. that I could stay in bed for some spiritual reading, and 3. I already had some blog posts scheduled.

(The shocking truth is, I don't blog every day.  I usually blog twice a week and schedule the posts so they are more spread out. Shocking! But true.)

Anyway, my lovely plan to visit the Basilica, strip the walls, and put up our Lent stuff in a calm, prayerful atmosphere that struck the perfect balance between serious and cheerful, imbuing our Lent with a spirit of prayerful grace and causing my children to love Lenten sacrifices of all kinds so that we would all be saints by Easter... um, didn't happen the way I thought it should.

Well, I guess we'll let God be God, and go with his plan this time.;)

We did make our Walking with Jesus Poster and our Vine and Branches. And we got most of our winter/castle/valentines down.

Klenda told me that she would like to do a sacrifice bean jar, too, so that will come soon.

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