Friday, March 29, 2013

Good Friday

 I like to do quiet art projects on Good Friday.  Coloring stations of the cross, making Resurrection Eggs, or stained glass crosses, are all nice ways of keeping the focus on the day while letting the kids enter the mystery at whatever level they can.

This diorama from Catholic Inspired was from earlier in the week.  I couldn't get her patterns to print at the right size, so I expanded the background on our black and white copier and had the kids supply the color.

This was a blessing in disguise, because it allowed for greater individuality.

The top one was Leena's.  The one to the right is Zorg's.

I did a peephole diorama with the extra "too small" pictures.

Klenda painted her own background.

Mxyl used the background to give Jesus a "halo" that somehow intensifies the scene.

One project we do every Good Friday is to color Jesus on the cross, cut out his body and put it on the cross on our Walking with Jesus poster.  At 3:00, we take down his body, wrap it in a tissue, and seal it in the "tomb" with the round "stone" taped to the poster.

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