Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Lent at Half Time

 We are having kind of a crazy Lent! 

There are lots of things happening, and lots of things to pray for, not the least of which is the papal conclave.

But we have been marching on in our own little observances.

The footsteps on our Walking with Jesus poster are filling in.

Our sacrifice bean jar is filling up!  It takes a lot of those little black beans to change the level in that jar!

And our Vine and Branches is bearing lots of fruit. 

But it seems like everything kind of slacks off in this mid-Lent period.  The novelty has worn away. 

I feel like it wouldn't hurt to have a little sugar in my tea... and it would hurt a lot not to have it!  I really want a snack between meals, and I find myself rationalizing what, exactly, counts as between.

Sadly, my attention span has been reached, if not exceeded.It's not that I'm ready for Easter, just ready for it to NOT be Lent!

Time to recommit! And God's been giving me some wake up calls.

A dear member of my extended family is in extreme pain following back surgery, and is unable to walk, let alone work, and he is the sole support of his family.   Another family member has had heart problems.  A friend's dad had a heart attack. Two friends have parents dying. Another friend's niece committed suicide.  A friend of a friend lost her baby at 20 weeks. There is no lack of people to pray and sacrifice for.

That's been the key for me, in my own spiritual life.  I find it so hard to pray and sacrifice for my own growth in holiness, as much as I really need it! But it's comparatively easy for me to pray and sacrifice for some one who is going through a hard time.  Love makes everything easy.

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