Friday, April 26, 2013

Seven Quick Takes Friday

1. Mxyl is back!!! After nearly three weeks away in Japan, it is so great to have him (and Grammy) home again!!!

2. An actual conversation this past week:

Acquaintance: Oh!  You like science fiction and comic books!  Now your blog makes perfect sense!

                                                       Me: ???????

If you are still confused, I also like science, history, poetry, art, literature, gardening, math, and my kids.  Now does it make sense?  Maybe if you stand on your head...

3. It must be spring, the frogs are back!  And the trees are blooming.  So, even if it's in the 50s, it's spring.

So break out the cool sunglasses, already!

4.Speaking of blooming trees, we found this curious dog wood in the National Arboretum's dogwood garden.  The bracts arch up and over each blossom like a bower - a fascinating and lovely effect!  The dogwood garden is one of my favorites, not just because you can catch frogs in the fountain, but because it feels like a Jane Austen novel.  One with frogs.

5. Coolest science experiment ever!  You can dissolve a ridiculous amount of sodium acetate in a small quantity of water, simply by heating the water.  As the solution cools, it looks like plain water.  But, dropping one tiny crystal in causes the entire solution to bloom into solid crystal, releasing a great deal of heat.  So I guess it's not literally a cool experiment, but it's amazing!  Details on how to do the experiment and where to get sodium acetate here.

6. We now have the coolest yard on the block!  How do I know?  Because neighbors keep asking if they can come over to play.  The grown up neighbors.

We have two slack lines: the red one is parallel to the street, the yellow one is running from the deck to the tree, at a 90 degree angle to the red.
 We also have the play house and the badminton/ volleyball net up.  Everyone's happy except for the grass around the net, but, as the Emperor told me, it's better to have us in shape than the grass in shape.

7.  Have I mentioned how happy I am to have all my kids on one continent again?

It's been a good reminder to me to enjoy this time with all my kids under one roof! 

For those of you still living in Babyville, yeah, it does go fast.

More fun with Jen

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