Tuesday, October 15, 2013

I'm Back!

This is the backyard I grew up with
 I spent the week end visiting my Mom and Dad!

Mxyl and Zorg were off camping, and the Emperor had fun with the rest of the Zoomlians while I had a lovely visit up north in New Jersey.

It was neat to see that autumn had progressed a bit further than it has in Maryland.

Dad and Mom

But the most fun was my parents, proving that it's never too late to spoil your child!

They took me out to eat, played games with me, and cleaned out my car for me.

No kidding!  And the fact that it was my big grubby van means that it was no small task!

We spent a lot of time just chatting.  I was able to do a bit of work with my Dad, sorting pictures and talking about interesting things he's done.

We spent a fair bit of the time out in the garage, refinishing my Aunt Jeanette's table. This was a huge deal to me!  Aunt Jeanette was my Dad's Aunt (Grandpa's sister), and the one tangible thing we have from her is this table.

Back when I was 17, I tried to refinish the table with disastrous results.  I think that what actually happened was that the chemical stripper I used dissolved the glue holding the boards together.  At any rate, the leaves of the table separated - the whole thing literally fell apart! 

I felt so bad.   Helping refinish it with my Dad (who actually knows what he is doing) was wonderful!

Mostly, just spending time with my folks was lovely!


  1. I love the thought of fixing the long-ago disaster. (At least judging by the ages of your children, I assume it was quite awhile ago. :-) ) What a lovely trip!

  2. You are so blessed. My mother has been gone almost 20 years and my dad almost 5 years...and now my sister not even a month. I miss all those conversations and projects. Enjoy every visit and phone call :)

  3. QOC: Yes, it was 25 years ago! I didn't know they still had the pieces. But they did!

    Anabelle: I'm so sorry about your sister - and to hear that you lost your parents so young! I always expected to lose my Dad when I was a child, and am amazed he has reached the age he has. Yes, this time when our parents are alive (I have both my in laws also) and our children are still at home is very precious.

  4. Wendy,

    It's sounds like you had a wonderful trip. It must be lovely to go 'home' and be a 'child' again for a short time. I hope my own children will be impatient to return home once they are all grown up and have families of their own.
