Friday, October 4, 2013

Seven Quick Takes Friday: Clearing out the Camera Edition

 1. What is it with Oob and dressing up?  He told me he had a special costume...and he did! 

If you're curious, he's wearing my maternity sweatpants that my Mom made for me before he was born.

The bizarre short "sleeves" are the pockets!

Oh, and he's got Mxyl's hat on, too, the one my Dad gave him.

2. Fun easy craft project with virtually no preparation?   We love it!

Just turn the kids loose with a stack of small post it notes and some walls.

This time we got a cat (from Klenda), a cross (from Zorg) and a fancy crown for a smiling Jesus (from Choclo).

 They do start falling off the walls after a day or so, but that's still a pretty easy clean up.

3.  It's fall!  Actual, honest to goodness, leaf turning autumn!

Fall is one of my favorite seasons here because we are far enough north to get color in the trees, and far enough south to have weeks of sunny weather in the 70s (low 20s C).

Because we only start getting the cool weather and changing trees in October, I always feel like the back to school "fall" stuff (the schools here start in mid-August) is a cruel joke. But now... it's just lovely weather for a walk to the lake!

Klenda buying popcorn from Mxyl and Zorg
 4. It was Family Fun Night at our local parish.

Little train-like ride
This involved Mxyl and Zorg selling popcorn for the scouts, and the rest of the Zoomlians playing games and riding on bouncy rides.

 5. At home, Choclo has been building increasingly elaborate Rube Goldberg machines in an epic mash up of his Angry Birds and Dominoes obsessions.

It's great!  It's fun!  It's kind of hard to get into my bedroom...

6.  Meanwhile, outside, Zorg has been working on his obstacle course.

It involves both slack lines, the badminton net, climbing up the tree, and rappelling down, and he can do the whole thing in 90 seconds!

7. The Emperor was cleaning out the back basement (Wahoo!!!), and he came across his old briefcase.  He thought, with its nifty combination locks, it might appeal to Zorg.

Well, yes.

And now my home school has taken a sudden left turn towards formal (but cool).

Have a great weekend!  More fun with Jen!

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