Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Snow Day!

A few days ago, wishing for snow, we started cutting out paper snowflakes.

We all love paper snowflakes - they are one of the few crafts that everyone likes to do at every age. 

The oldest kids fold and cut their own, middle kids fold some and cut some extra that I have folded, and the very youngest kids draw the design they want me to cut.

We like to do tiny ones to hang from the ceiling, and big ones to tape to the windows.  This year, Klenda asked what would happen if we tried the Big Roll of Paper.

She gave it a try and got a beautiful giant snowflake!  You can make the giant ones really intricate!

 Last night we had a beautiful sunset with lacy clouds blowing in from the west.

And today we have 4 inches of snow and counting!  They say we might get 8 inches, or even 10!!

1 comment:

  1. Wendy,

    The snow is beautiful! Don't you just love how it makes everything look so new and untouched?
