Monday, April 21, 2014

Easter Desserts

After 40 days of no desserts (more or less), Easter is the time for what Oob calls Dessert Dessert Dessert.

So.  After finding the Easter baskets and finding the candy filled eggs, we had our extended family over for a traditional ham dinner.

We kept it simple:  ham, potatoes, asparagus, rolls, strawberry spinach salad, and three desserts.

My young cousin made a delicious custard cake.

Klenda made her fabulous chocolate butter cream pie(s).

Choclo and Oob made nests of Chinese noodles, melted butterscotch chips and jelly beans.

And I made jello. Lots of jello.

Have you seen the 17 Cooking Projects Ain't Nobody Got Time For?

I've never been good and making jello layers.  In a fit of insanity Somehow, seeing that shimmering jello rainbow made me think that now was the time to learn.

Lo and behold, I did learn! I actually messed up quite a bit on the first few layers, but, over the course of a lifetime the 12 layers of this project, I learned how to pour perfect layers!

Here's the deal: you have to pour the liquid layer onto a layer that is a bit firm, but still sticky.  The way to do that without the stream of liquid piercing the bottom layer is to pour it over the back of a spoon.

Also, I followed the link from the 17 projects, and it turned out that the original was from Jelly Shot Test Kitchen.

I followed their directions pretty exactly except I used water instead of three cups of vodka!

My jello came out quite firm.  I think that I did not need to add the extra unflavored gelatin she uses.  My theory is that alcohol weakens the gelling power and she needs the extra gelatin in a way that I do not.

But it was a fun dessert!  Not something I want to do every week, but fun for a special occasion!

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