Friday, April 18, 2014

Good Friday

Have a blessed Good Friday

Update by Mxyl and Klenda: our pictures
Minnasan, ohayou.  For contemplation, we drew some pictures of our own.  Here they are:
The first one is Angel's Tears (Tenshi no Namida) by Klenda.  Depicting the terrible events of the Second Sorrowful Mystery from more than one point of view, this not only shows (even aside from the angel) a soldier, a jeering onlooker and Jesus but also Mary, John and a head in the middle--as if uncertain where to go, Klenda tells me.  She also says that the core message is that the head represents us--are we jeering with the bystander, or praying and joining with Jesus's suffering with Mary and John? 
This one is おわり?(Owari?) by me, Mxyl.  It describes the event perhaps moments after Jesus's horrifying death--the loss of His last three drops of Blood.  At the bottom left, the verse Isiah 53:5 shows (but He was pierced for our sins, crushed for our iniquity...).  I personally like the name (highlight field below for translation); I find that it seems to imply hope. 
The end...?

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