Monday, May 12, 2014

Happy Birthday, Oob!

 Can you believe that Oob is 7?

Really-o, truly-o!

We celebrated in style with an all day playground hop, dinner with Grammy and Pop at a Chinese restaurant, and an angel food cake with chocolate raspberry whipped cream! Yum!

And presents!
One favorite was this Lego Ninjago helicopter from Mxyl and Klenda.  I think part of the present was getting help putting it together...

Seven Great Things About Oob

1.He tells silly jokes!

2. He wakes up a little before 6 most mornings and comes in to snuggle a bit with Mom and Dad.

3. He can put together fantastic towers and block structures, then knock them down with birds!

3. He has an uncanny ability to do math in his head.

4. He loves to read, and can read pretty much anything he wants to.  Who knows?  Maybe he's reading this right now!

4. He likes to pray a decade of the Rosary for someone, whenever he hears they are having a hard time.

5. He likes to write sweet and funny letters to me, and to the rest of his family.

5. He has a Secret Identity, but I won't tell what it is.

6. He likes to help anyone that needs help!

6. He likes to text Mumpy before he goes to bed most nights.

7. He loves to look at things under the microscope!

Happy Birthday Ooby!!

Update by Mxyl:

I've also been doing a few artistic things in celebration.  Here's my photo, "Seven," which I personally think expresses a lot about the age:

And here's my work on the Ninjago helicopter using After Effects--a bit cheap-looking, but it's one of my first tries with a physical green screen:

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