Thursday, June 26, 2014

Popsicle Life

It's been in the upper 80s and low 90s (around 32 C) here for most of the past two weeks, and quite stickily humid.

Not that I'm complaining, mind you, we've had lovely cool weather for most of the spring, and often we're about ten degrees warmer this time of year.  Oh, yes, I see I've mentioned that, and how much I enjoy it.

But clearly it was time to make popsicles.  I did a quick Pinterest search for popsicle recipes, and found enough recipes to turn the Washington Monument into a frozen confection.  In August.

I spent a good three minutes worrying that Pinterest was crushing my creativity since it has thousands of project ideas for anything I want to do, and then Choclo (he and Oob were kibbitzing on the popsicle project) saw these chocolate dipped strawberry popsicles.

Rapturous delight! 

You just stick strawberries in the blender (with a little water) freeze them in molds, then dip them in Magic Shell.  If you haven't run into this, it's chocolate with coconut oil, and it freezes on contact with a frozen surface (usually ice cream), giving you a thin brittle shell of yumminess. 

In my case, I added a bit of sugar to the berries: the cold numbs the sweet taste buds more than the sour, and I find plain frozen fruit tastes unripe to me.

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