Saturday, November 1, 2014


 Leena was St. Elizabeth Ann Seton!

 Oob was St. Michael!

Yes, we have had a few St. Michaels over the years.
 Choclo wanted to be Ezekiel. 

Ezekiel?  Like the Old Testament prophet?

Yes, like the dry bones!

If you've ever taken the tour of the Franciscan Monastery, they have a "purgatory chapel" which has a wall sized mosaic of Ezekial and the plain of dried bones coming to life.

Evidently, it made a big impression!

Those were the kids old enough to go trick or treating. 

In other news, the older Zoomlians dressed like an adorable older couple and went reverse trick or treating!

 It was great!!!  They gave out a ton of candy and had a wonderful time!

Hope you had a happy Halloween!


  1. I love the idea of reverse trick-or-treating to let big kids still be part of the fun!

  2. They had a blast, and they charmed the socks off of all the neighbors!
