Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Last Lenten Thoughts

 I have to say, this has been the lentiest Lent ever, and I don't see that as a bad thing.

From the first surgery on Shrove Tuesday, to her burial the day before Palm Sunday, we've walked the way of the cross (and thank you to all of you who have walked with us).

Now in this holy week, we are looking at how all this relates to Jesus' suffering and death.
 This is why He came, that last Saturday's burial would not be the end.

He walked our way of pain so He could be with us when we make that walk, and He walked ahead of us to make a way out of the darkness.

This time has been such a beautiful gift.

This is the first time someone this close to me has died: she dropped by for tea at least once a week, and we saw each other or talked not quite daily.  There's a big hole left by her passing.

But what a gift to be able to be with her so much these last months!  Our whole family drew together to love and support her.  We have no regrets, no words left unsaid.

She was with me for the birth of each one of my children, and that's what her death felt like to me: another birth, this time to eternal life.

And it was a beautiful birth! Newly baptized, it was a gentle letting go surrounded by her husband and children, surrounded by love.

I can't describe the overwhelming gratitude I feel: that I could be there for her, the way she was for me; that our family is so close and loving; that she was my Mom for 26 years,

Beyond this is the greater gratitude: that the Lord walked so closely with us, that He died for her, and so, I'll see her again.

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