Monday, May 11, 2015

Sheep and Wool Festival

Sheep, glorious sheep!  Every time I come away from the Sheep and Wool Festival, I think what a fine thing it would be to have a sheep. 

This despite the fact that my town does not allow livestock of any kind.

So I always look for sheep that might pass for dogs.  What do you think?

If I trimmed her like a poodle and named her My Dog, would she pass? 

If asked if she were a sheep, I could always airily reply, "Oh, that's just My Dog!"

Maybe not.

At any rate, we had  wonderful time at the festival!

Klenda learned how to spin on a wheel (as opposed to the drop spindle) and I bought another spindle so that I could learn to spin without messing up Klenda's skein (my spinning is much lumpier than hers!).

And we wandered about admiring fleece, roving, and yarns galore.

We also ran into an artist (or a company of artists) who does astonishing animals by felting wool.  As in, this lion is made entirely of wool (except maybe the eyes).

They sells kits so that you can make the animals yourself, too!

A lovely day!

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