Tuesday, May 26, 2015

The Big Enormous Playground and The Teeny Tiny Zoo

Also known as Watkins Park!

Much to our surprise, the Big Enormous Playground had been ripped out and was in the process of being replaced by a Bigger More Enormous Playground with a Wizard of Oz theme.

Holy flying monkeys!  Before this it was the biggest playground I'd ever seen!

Still, the nature center was open, and we took turns putting on puppet shows.

We loved looking at all their animals.

They seem to be a repository for strange pets who have outgrown their owners: large snakes, lizards, turtles, Madagascar cockroaches, and raptors (these are the animals, I'm not insulting the former owners).

Then we hiked over to the "farm zoo".

We had a ridiculous amount of fun feeding grass to chickens.

I am always amazed at how beautiful many of the chicken breeds are!

Of course, I'm sure it's hard to feel that you are a truly beautiful chicken when your neighbors are peacocks.

The truth is that they're both beautiful.

Lastly, we found this goat in a pen with some sheep and llamas.

What do you think of his color?

Mxyl asked me if I thought it was white and gold or blue and black.

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