Tuesday, June 30, 2015


Guess who we visited?

Well, maybe not the Holy Father himself, but his cardboard cut out at the Basilica.

We were at the Basilica doing a little pilgrimage of gratitude for the end of the school year.

Actually, we were multi-tasking, we were also hoping to pick up some copies of the new encyclical.

We will be studying it in our Dominican chapter, and I prefer to read (and mark up) a paper copy rather than reading it online. I tend to forget things when I only read them on a screen. 

What were we talking about?   Oh, yes, Amazon won't have it until late July, and we were hoping to get it as soon as it came out... several weeks ago...

Remarkably, the Basilica didn't have it either!  To add insult to injury, they were getting it in the next day!  Ah well, we'll just have to visit again, I guess.

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