Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Little Convent on the Llano

Leena and I actually stayed in the convent and hung out with the sisters: my sister and my sister's sisters, who are, of course, my sisters too.

Try saying that five times fast!

And Molly, their moose dog.

Leena loved Molly, Molly loved Leena.

Every time Leena approached, Molly flopped over in hopes of a tummy rub, and Leena never disappointed her!

The valley really is cowboy type country - lots of sage brush and tumbleweed.

And lots of cowboy hats and pick ups.

And lots of open space, perfect for taking a first driving lesson with Manty MaryAnn!

Not bad for 13!!

Best of all, it is big sky country.  At night we saw more stars than I have ever seen, including the Milky Way, and dozens of shooting stars!

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