Sunday, November 1, 2015

Happy All Saints (Plus Halloween Pictures)

 Happy All Saints Day!

And we had a happy All Hallows (Saints) Eve last night.

Oob decided to be a "Poor Soul" (someone in purgatory).  Choclo went with an anonymous saint - a ghost with a halo.

Since Choclo had been the Poor Soul last year (I guess he made it to heaven this year!), we had that costume. 

Choclo's costume this year was just a sheet with eye holes, but it was a tremendous hit with all the houses he went to.

I think it had something to do with the fact that virtually all kids wear store bought costumes nowadays.  His was certainly the only home made costume to show up  at our house (out of more than 50 kids).

So I guess the costume of last resort from my childhood, is now the retro ironic chic of his childhood.  Not that it mattered, he just liked the costume!

Speaking of liking, Klenda carved a pumpkin on her pumpkin!

And we forgot to carve Zorg's pumpkin, and then he wasn't into it, so I got to carve my own pumpkin!

It's the pig in the white chair.

Saint costumes from other years here.

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