Monday, September 25, 2017

Anatomy and Physiology

Sassy Starfish
 Here's something that got lost in the shuffle: I'm already six weeks into my Anatomy and Physiology class!

This is my favorite class to teach!  It was also my favorite class to take in both High School and College.

Also, it is what I consider the second most important class you ever take.

The Emperor argues that English is the second most important, since you will always need to communicate, but I disagree.  You can move where no one speaks English, but wherever you go, you'll take your body with you.

The most important, of course, would be theology, since you'll need that even when you've moved where you don't take your body with you!

Jazzy Starfish
At any rate, I have six great teens taking the class, and we are having a great time learning about the human body.  We meet twice a week: once for lecture, once for lab.  We should finish up the A & P around Thanksgiving, and then we will add on a 4 class Bioethics course in December.

And we are doing a lot of dissections!  So far we've done a worm, crayfish, grasshopper, clam, fish, and starfish.  We will finish our frogs this week, then move on to individual organs (cow eye, sheep brain, kidney, heart, lungs), and finish up with fetal pigs.

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