Friday, October 6, 2017

Awesome American History: 1876-1884

After we were sick for a week, we decided to merge two weeks of class, so we did pages 141-162, telephones, Locusts, the Great Chicago Fire, Custer,  OK Corral, and PT Barnum all in one go.

We started out making telephones from string and cups, and then stretching the kids around the house for a game of telephone.  That was pretty fun!  Making the telephones counted as our art project.

For our snack, Leena made cotton candy (for PT Barnum's circus).  That was very well received, to say the least.  It turned out some of the kids had never had cotton candy before!

And our active activity was supposed to be an epic nerf gun battle (for the OK Corral), but not enough people brought guns, so we did Quick Draw, a game on the Nintendo Switch.

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