Sunday, March 4, 2018

Poem of the Week: The Well and The Gift

Theoretically, we are year B and the Gospel is Jesus Cleansing the Temple, but our Archdiocese is using the year A reading (always an option), the Woman at the Well. That first poet you might know by his other name: St. John Paul the Great!

The Well
by Karol Wojtyla

It joined us together, the well;
the well led me into you
No one between us but light
deep in the well, the pupil of the eye
set in an orbit of stones.
Within your eyes, I,
drawn by the well,
am enclosed.

The Gift
by R.S. Thomas

Some ask the world
and are diminished
in the receiving
of it. You gave me
only this small pool
that the more I drink
from, the more overflows
me with sourceless light.

HT: Moved to Greater Love

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