Friday, April 20, 2018

Awesome American History:1945-1969

Well, that's a big bite of history!  This was three history classes squished into one, catching up from traveling and illness.

Because I am blogging these to give a possible framework to others (and so that I don't have to reconstruct the class if I ever do it again), I'm going to treat the
three weeks separately.

1945-1947, WWII, Computers, and the Housing Boom (pages 267-276 in The American Story by Jennifer Armstrong.). Our art activity was coloring WWII posters from this book.  Our active activity was playing Battleship from this printout.  Our snack was Sun Chips (like computer chips).

1952-1955, Polio, Segregation, Montgomery Boycott (pages 277-287 in The American Story by Jennifer Armstrong).  Our art activity was a bus for the Montgomery Boycott.  Our active activity was a vaccination game using Glogerm to show disease spread.  Our snack was black and white cookies (segregation).

1956-1969, Elvis, Cuban Missiles, Moon Landing (pages 288-297 in The American Story by Jennifer Armstrong).  Our art activity was doing pictures in rhinestones while listening to Elvis, our active activity was dancing to Elvis music, and our snack was "moon" cheese.

Incidentally, I'd like to give a shout out to Extra History's excellent short videos on the Cuban Missile Crisis

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