Monday, April 30, 2018

The End of April

It's the last of April, and, judging from the 182 photos in the April folder, we've been busy!

Easter with our parish, Easter with extended family on both sides, gardening, outings, driving, Spring, Astronomy, Rocket Science, and Awesome History, it's been a wild ride!

Also, we saw the Avengers movie.   Actually, I forgot to mention it, but we saw Pacific Rim:
Uprising last month!

Tomorrow starts May and we are heading into our busy time of the year.

This is the last week of college classes for Klenda and Zorg,and next week is the last class for Mxyl, so they are all heading into finals.

Rockets!  What's next?
We are building our rockets to launch at NASA Goddard next Sunday, and that will be the end of Kid's Astronomy and Rocket Science.  Awesome American History is winding up as we approach present day.  We've started talking about what we want to study next year!

And, of course, the Emperor is starting to wrap things up.  His seniors will graduate in about a month, and his other students will finish up a few weeks later.

Also in May we have 4 family birthdays, our anniversary, a much anticipated visit from Angel (from Switzerland), and the big annual visit to the graves.

I love May!   It's chock full of family, friends, flowers, and classes, often with beautiful weather to boot.  And by June, I will want a nap.

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