Saturday, August 11, 2018

North Dakota Summer Camp

For most of June, Mxyl and Klenda were in North Dakota to help out as counselors at a summer camp.  This is near Turtle Mountain, so the nearest town has a giant turtle statue made from welded car wheels.

It's also near the beautiful US-Canadian Peace Gardens.

And, of course, it's where my youngest sister serves as a SOLT sister!

They all had a great time, and my kids enjoyed being counselors.

They loved making friends with the other counselors (who were also from many different states). 

They loved working with the kids!

Mxyl did canoeing and archery with the kids, and Klenda did art projects.

And they got to spend some time hanging out with their aunt (who is also Mxyl's godmother).

Amazingly, one of the counselors was from Texas, but his family took a vacation in August to Washington DC, so we all got to meet him (and give him Old Bay)!

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