Friday, October 26, 2018

Awesome Geography: Iceland and Norway

 For our art project, we did the Northern Lights in oil and chalk pastels like we had done another time.

For our snack we had Norwegian spice cookies.  They don't look fancy, but they are really good!

 For our active activity, we played Kubb, a yard game that goes back to the Vikings.

Basically you have some tall wooden blocks with a larger wooden block (the "king") in the center.

Then you try to knock them down by throwing a stick ("club") at them.  You have to knock down the king last.

Did the kids like being told to throw sticks at things?

Yes, yes, they did!

I believe the full game would involve 2 teams, each with 5 smaller blocks and their own king (and a somewhat larger playing space).

As it was, 3 small pins and a king, while throwing from 6-8 feet away was about perfect for us. 

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