Thursday, December 6, 2018

Happy Feast of St. Nicholas!

We put out shoes last night!

And we had "Santa Hat Scones this morning.
Lots of St. Nicholas resources here.

This afternoon we are having a big party with lots of friends, games and a gingerbread contest: pictures of the event tomorrow!

 The first game is coloring a picture of St. Nicholas.

St. Nicholas was a bishop, so we cut two little slits and slid in a candy cane for his crosier.

 Then we will have Stocking Toss, where the kids tossed little bags of gold on the stockings. That commemorates St. Nicholas tossing bags of gold secretly into a house to help a family who would have had to sell their children.

Lastly,  by popular demand, we will have Punch Arius!.

The idea is to punch Arius while shouting parts of the Nicene Creed that proclaim Jesus' divinity.

This is based on the story that St. Nicholas struck Arius during the Council
of Nicaea when Arius was trying to convince the world's bishops that Jesus was not really God.

I tell the kids that they aren't allowed to punch heretics unless they became bishops and are at an Ecumenical Council.  You never know what can plant the seed of a vocation!

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