Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Yet More Random Things

 I don't think I've mentioned it, but the Emperor had minor foot surgery in January... and again in February when the first surgery didn't work.  I think he's doing better. At the very least, he certainly looks dapper with a cane!  He's supposed to be all healed up in a few weeks.

Completely unrelated, how amazing is it that Klenda can copy a Michelangelo sketch in his style, and also sketch herself and her sister in a completely different style on the same day?

Leena (who backed the big honking van into this tiny parking space perfectly on the first try) is taking her driver's test for her license next week!   I think she'll do great, but prayers would be appreciated!

I'm trying to stretch my brain around the concept that we will have 6 drivers in the house...

And, speaking of stretching my brain, I've been working on a new science class for younger kids: Paleontology!!

It's been super fun to work on, but tricky to  work out how much to cover and in what order.  I started out planning it sequentially, like: this is how life on Earth developed, and then realized that, while perfect for a high school class, it was way too much detail for the age group (7-13 year olds).

On the plus side, I think I've figured out a hands on way to explain radiometric dating to young kids.  It involves chocolate.  I'll be posting those classes as I do them starting in March.

And, lastly, one of the great joys of feeding birds in the winter, is finding your yard covered in teeny tiny bird footprints, along with the occasional little squirrel prints.

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