Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Lent Video Retreat: Preparing for Lent

Lent with mostly teens is a bit different.  For one thing, there's less stuff pre made, Pinterest ready, or blogged about.  For another, teens are just more diverse in their interests, so it's harder to go prefab.

I've been binge listening to Fr. Mike Schmitz's podcasts, and he is a college chaplain.  Some of his stuff is specific to the college age group (different set of temptations when you live on campus), but a lot of his stuff is perfect for teens and, um, older people like me!

Also his stuff is super short (8 minutes is long for him) so it's easy to watch, say, at the start of a meal, and then jump into discussion.

Anyway, I was working out a list of 40 favorites from the podcasts, when I realized the videos had a different numbering system!  To avoid having to find the right one each time, I'm posting them here and dating the posts so they show up on the right day.  If this is in any way helpful to you also, you're welcome!  I'll also be doing my normal posting interspersed with these.

I'm also starting a day early!

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