Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Awesome Geography: Saudi Arabia

 Our art activity was a desert camel scene,  The background is torn paper, and the camel was formed around a handprint.

I love doing handprint crafts because I love seeing how small my kids' hands used to be!

This time around, no one wanted to use a paint based handprint (no one wanted the goopy paint on their fingers), so they traced their hands on brown paper and cut it out, adding the heads and tails.

Leena just cut out a tiny camel of her own devising. Her hand hasn't been that small in a loooong time!

Honestly, I think the camels came out a bit...weird.  I think next time I'd have them draw them.

Snack was dates.  Just dates.  And then it turned out some of the kids didn't like dates because they were too sweet.

I have to admit, near the very bottom of Lent, my kids and I were like: YES!  SWEEEEEEET!!! LOVE THE DATES!

Which may mean that (outside of Lent) we are not a low sugar household.

The active activity was supposed to be The Hunter, but it rained... Are we detecting a theme?

Honestly, we all still had fun, but it wasn't our most successful class.  I also had a hard time finding good resources to learn about Saudi Arabia.  I ended up using a bunch of videos from Geography Go.

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