Wednesday, July 24, 2019

All the Things Part 1: June

Oh, wow, it's been a month since I posted!  Sorry about that!

Let's see: June.
Mxyl, Klenda, and Zorg went to North Dakota and helped out at a summer camp for the St. Ann's.

It was beautiful!

They worked with my sister and they all had a great time.

Mxyl ran science classes (I'm so proud!), Klenda did water games and art including face painting, Zorg did crazy games and a lot of singing of crazy songs (thank you Scouts).

While they were gone, I took the other three up to see Mumpy and Pa.

They gave Choclo and Oob the much coveted Millennium Falcon Lego kit, and Leena an ocarina, which she promptly taught herself, sending haunting melodies echoing across the lake.

Also in June,  Leena got a haircut (did you notice?), and went swing dancing!

We had a good time, and it was fun to be the oldest for a change, but I think she missed her older siblings a lot.
 Meanwhile, Choclo and Oob got more into cooking.

Also, they had a birthday party, even though their birthday was actually in May.

Lastly, the Emperor and I had a big Dominican meeting!

Not only did our chapter receive a new novice, our daughter chapter professed a new member.... and our daughter chapter got approved to be it's own independent chapter!!!

I can't tell you how happy this makes me, not just because they are all excellent Lay Dominicans, but because they repopulated our mother chapter.  In other words, the chapter that had formed us had literally died out, and we split off almost half of our chapter to recreate that chapter in a location that made it easier for many people to get to.

More good people to praise, to bless, and to preach!

Deo gratis!

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