Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Awesome Geography: Indonesia, Plus Australia and New Zealand

I am way falling behind on my geography posting, so this post will cover two weeks of classes.

My interest in geography actually stems from the fact that my dad traveled the world constantly when I was little.

Actually, he only stopped traveling after Mxyl was born, but when I was little, he brought me things from each of the countries he went to.  Often it was dolls, and I still have my collection, somewhat worse for the fact that I loved playing with all the dolls.

Well, most of the dolls.  The dolls from Indonesia were these terrifying puppets. 

But, hey, that means they survived intact and my kids get to have nightmares about them too!

For both active and art activities, the kids created a puppet show.  Most of the puppets were made of paper on popsicle sticks.  For our "snack" we had sate chicken for lunch.

For Australia and New Zealand, we did Maori designs on wood, inspired
by this fence.

This was just sharpies on the big tongue depressor style popsicle sticks.  We may be detecting a theme.

And our active activity was throwing boomerangs.

We actually happen to have real boomerangs, thanks to having friends and family (Bill and Grammy and Pop) travel to Australia when the World Science Fiction convention was held there.

A word of advice if you try this: look up online how to actually throw one, it doesn't work the way you think.  Also, have a large empty space.  Also, plan to throw it at least ten times before you get it to curve back to you.

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