Sunday, December 22, 2019

Seven Quick Takes: Presents for Us and for You!

 1. The best early present came on Friday when my sister successfully defended her doctoral dissertation in Rome!!

It's been a long and arduous road, but she made it, thanks be to God! 

I'm so proud of her!  Her doctorate is in psychology, focusing on how to help people recover from abuse.

2. Another early gift was the surprise early bloom of these gorgeous double white amaryllis.

 I had started them thinking they would bloom around Christmas, so I was startled when the first bud opened on the Immaculate Conception!

I've never grown doubles before and now I think I'll never grow anything else!

3. Another unlooked for gift was a chilly walk yesterday in the waning sun of the shortest day of the year. 

The light on the trees was rich and golden, and I suddenly realized it was within minutes of the actual solstice!

 4. The Freer Gallery has an exhibit on Hokusai, our favorite Japanese painter!

Open through next November if you'll be in the DC area!

5.  While we were there, we had to stop by in Whistler's fabulous Peacock Room.

Choclo, as soon as he realized that the entire room had been taken apart in a house and reconstructed in the museum, told me that he wanted it for Christmas as his room.

Sorry, buddy, your presents are already wrapped!

6.  With my parents coming to live with us, we realized that a real tree would probably be hard on Mumpy's allergies, so we decided to get a (gulp) fake tree.

I grew up with a fake tree, but the Emperor did not.  Thanks be to God, we found a tree he fell in love with!

Interestingly, the kids not only loved it, they wanted to decorate it just with blue, white, and silver ornaments. 

I think it's the prettiest tree we've ever had!

7.  I didn't forget presents for you!  We will be doing our annual 12 Days of Christmas gifts on the blog starting Christmas day. 

If you haven't done this with us before, they are videos, songs, pictures and fun little things to enjoy each day.

So, enjoy!  And more fun with Kelly!

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