Masking up to visit Pa. |
My poor dad was in and out of the hospital since a week before Christmas with what ended up as pnuemonia.
He's out now, but in rehab gaining strength until he can reliably walk again.
But, before that, while my mom was helping him in the hospital, she got knocked flat by the flu. In his hospital room.
Generally, you don't want someone with pneumonia exposed to the flu.
Anyway, we all (10 of us) had to get tested.
The score was 4 to 6. Mumpy and Pa were sick with type A, and two of us were carrying type B (but never got sick). Ten rounds of Tamiflu later, I'm here to say: GET YOUR FLU SHOT!
The 8 of us who had the shot were fine, and the other two scared me. A lot!
Anyway, between hospitals, ERs, Rehab, quarantines, and doctor visits, it's been pretty crazy, but I think we can see the light at the end of the tunnel.
And just in time! Zorg and Leena start college this week!
Waoww.. Super, I like it.