Monday, August 10, 2020

Home Offices and Schools


Within a week we got news that the Emperor would be teaching from home this semester, our college students would be learning from home this semester, and our art student would be painting (and learning) from home this semester.

If you're counting, that's ten of us home full time for the next 4 months at least!

We've been spending part of the summer rearranging things to make sure everyone has space to work ergonomically since we've had a number of people who needed physical therapy after a cramped spring semester.

So the Emperor has this new office set up in our bedroom, complete with a privacy screen and a blank background for video teaching.

Mxyl moved downstairs into the office to have a better desk and more shelf space, now that he's real life working from home.  Klenda, Zorg, and Leena also have desks in this office.







Also, we did a big clean up in the library to reclaim a quiet place to read, work, play, or socialize.

And we carved out a space for Choclo to draw and listen to music.




 Klenda has her watercolor/ink studio in her room and her oil/acrylic studio in the museum.










And I now have my own desk again (with all my homeschool stuff) in the living room! 

I haven't really had a desk in a while, so I'm enjoying it.  

Between having a desk and only schooling two this year, I feel ridiculously organized!

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