Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Weird Things I Found on My Phone Explained, Part Two


 A dinner that we occasionally have is Pepperoni Pizza Monkey Bread.  We use a sheet pan instead of a Bundt pan because we need to make enough for 10 people. And we do other fillings sometimes.

This is close to that, but not quite.  This is Pizza Monkey Puzzle Bread.  It's a puzzle because one of the little rolls contains something that is technically edible, but is definitely NOT pizza.

Theoretically, you can figure out which one.

And Choclo actually managed to crack the puzzle and found... a lemon!
Which leaves the puzzle of "Why am I like this?" 

 This is from Oob.

If you look very closely, the imperiled person in the middle is not from the usual WWII army guy collection.

He's holding a sword.

He's a Jedi!
It's everyone else who's in trouble.
Mike really likes hanging out with Leena, but Oob clipped on a few cute (fake) birbs of his own, much to Mike's confusion. 

In other bird news, we had another baby crow (Ace) show up.  He paced back and forth on the driveway until we came out and fed him.

He must have been very young.  He stabbed the cheese with his beak and got it stuck on the tip- a noob move for sure!

He hung out with us for a few hours until his parents got him flying again.



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