Monday, October 26, 2020

Last of the October Birthdays


The last two birthdays were Pop's (my dear FIL) and the redoubtable Bill's.

I forgot to get a picture of Bill's cake, but we used this awesome diabetic safe Died and Gone to Heaven Chocolate Cake recipe.

This is Pop's cake, which is made of... meat.

Pop is the grandfather that does not live with us, and he has been locked down very tightly since March.  We miss our weekly dinner visits!

We have been calling every week, but it's not the same, of course.  Anyway, on his birthday, we all went over and sang happy birthday outside of his house and left him this fine cake.

It turns out that his doctor has him completely off sugar.


Fortunately, I knew he loves meatloaf!

If meatloaf is just meat shaped into a loaf shape, then surely the same meat shaped into a cake must be meatcake...

Which is easy enough to frost with mashed potatoes...

And decorate with chives and pepper flakes!

I guess we also had Fr. Mark's birthday and Leena's Godmother's birthday in there too, but since they are in New Orleans and Baltimore, respectively, I did not end up making cake for either of them.  

But Happy Birthday to all!

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